5 Quick Tips From Dr. Jack Llewellyn
Five Quick Tips from Dr. Jack Llewellyn, Sports Psychologist and MS Patient
Everyone has adversity which creates "Mud in the Water" or mind clutter. Quicker recovery from adversity separates winners from survivors, happy people from those just making it through. In my experience living with MS presents daily obstacles and in my latest book, Get the Mud Out of the Water, I share strategies that can help us to recover from these adversities in order to live our best lives each and every day.
1. Your Assets and Your Liabilities
Make a list of your challenges and a list of what makes you strong enough to overcome them. How have you used your assets to overcome your liabilities today? If you haven’t, what will you do differently tomorrow to use what you have in your favor?
2. Achieving Something Positive Every Day
What things in your life make you feel good about yourself? Do you cherish time helping your kids with homework or does it make you feel good when you encourage your coworkers? It could be something as simple as smiling at your mail man or as important as exercising to maintain optimal health. By taking stock of your accomplishments, small and large, throughout your day you are bolstering your confidence and filling your mind with things that are positive and affirming.
3. Surrounding Yourself with a Team of People Committed to Helping You
Everyone needs a support system, and in my experience with MS, that consists of two groups of people:
• People Committed to Your Health: It is important to find a neurologist you trust, who can help you find a therapy that’s right for you. Your healthcare team may also include a caregiver or other specialists.
• People Committed to You: Be it a friend, a family member, a coworker or a support group, find people to surround yourself with who care about your happiness and success. Are there people in your life who may be a hindrance to your success? Evaluate your team and make sure all of the players are invested in helping you achieve your best life. Visit www.NationalMSSociety.org to find support through your local National Multiple Sclerosis Society chapter.
4. Stress as an Incentive to Improve Your Life
Stress is a reality you can’t avoid. Make a list of the things that cause you stress and think about how to use that energy in a productive way. Address each item on your list pragmatically, thinking about ways to reduce the intensity of the stress the item causes or eliminate it completely.
5. Create a Positive Environment for Yourself and Live in it Every Day
Emotions make you who you are. Use your emotions, good and bad, for positive outcomes, or emotions can become devastating to your success. Create a positive mindset and a positive environment for yourself, and then make a conscious choice to live in it every single day.
The Center for Winning Performance is a "mental training" organization dedicated to helping athletes and other high performers develop and keep a winning attitude to fully reach their potential, both profesionally and personally.
This center was founded by Jack Llewellyn, Ph.D., a world renowned sports psychology consultant, author, professor, business coach and speaker.
John Smoltz, National League Cy Young Award Winner, 1996:
"Jack Llewellyn's approach is simple and straightforward, and it can be applied to all areas of the professional workplace as well as to everyday life. His program teaches you how to adapt to and overcome pressure and increases your ability to persevere and get better, instead of giving in and getting frustrated. Jack has helped me tremendously." Tom Glavine, National League Cy Young Award Winner, 1991 and 1998:
"As a professional athlete, I'm always looking for an edge—especially a mental edge—and Jack Llewellyn's program has helped me greatly in that area. Jack's program helped with me deal with adversity, make the necessary adjustments and recover. Jack has been a huge help with the mental side of my game." Greg Poplarski, Senior Vice President, Prudential Retirement, National Sales
"We recently had the opportunity to have Dr. Llewellyn address our top sales performers. I received tremendous feedback on his talk. Llewellyn has a unique way of drawing parallels between the successes and failures in sports and business. He is passionate, humorous, interesting and a great storyteller. Most importantly, the concepts Llewellyn focuses on can be immediately incorporated into day-to-day business."